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Infrequent Bowel Movement

December 7, 2021

Infrequent bowel movement is known as constipation. It is a digestive problem that leads to dry bowel movements or passing stool fewer than three times a week. Infrequent bowel movements occur due to changes in diet or routine, or due to inadequa..


December 7, 2021

Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system or the germ-fighting network of the body. The lymphatic system includes the lymph nodes lymph glands, spleen, thymus gland, and bone marrow. Lymphoma can affect all those areas and the other organs throug..


December 1, 2021

Hypersexuality is compulsive sexual behavior. It is due to excessive preoccupation with sexual fantasies, urges, or behaviors that are difficult to control. Hypersexuality may lead to distress and, it affects your overall health, job, and relationsh..

Parasite-related Conditions

November 30, 2021

A parasite is an organism that lives in or on another and takes its nourishment from its host. Amebiasis is a typical parasite-related condition. It is due to the transmission of E. Histolytica. Anyone can acquire Amebiasis or parasite-related co..


November 30, 2021

Dysentery is an intestinal infection that causes adverse diarrhea with blood and mucus. It spread due to poor hygiene or direct contact with the infected person. Be careful with food and water because Dystentry can also reproduce things that contain..

Amebiasis o Intestinal Illness

November 29, 2021

Amebiasis is an infection in the intestine due to parasites known as protozoan Entamoeba Histolytica, or E. Histolytica. Because these parasites live in the large intestine, they travel in the feces of infected people and can contaminate places. ..

Prostate Enlargement

November 25, 2021

The prostate is a small, muscular gland in the male reproductive system. It surrounds the urethra and makes most of the fluid in the semen. The action of the prostate helps propel the fluid and semen through the penis during sexual climax. Some m..

High Blood Pressure

November 25, 2021

High blood pressure is a typical long-term condition that links to several health problems. You can experience High blood pressure for years without any symptoms. As the blood increases, you are more likely to have a heart attack and other cardiovas..


November 24, 2021

Conjunctivitis is swelling and irritation in the tissue that covers the eye and lines the inner surface of the eyelid. It can make your eyes red, watery, and itchy. Children get it a lot as it is contagious but rarely severe. Pink eye is a common..

Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis

November 17, 2021

A stress Ulcer is an ulceration of the upper gastrointestinal tract due to hospitalization. Hemorrhage from stress ulceration is secondary GI bleeding and it is different from primary GI bleeding. Primary prevention of GI bleeding from stress ulcers..

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