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Chronic Venous Disorder

Chronic Venous Disorder

April 26, 2022
Chronic Venous Disorder

Chronic venous disorders are common vascular pathology of great medical impact. It is characterized by a wide range of clinical manifestations occurring with symptoms that varies in type and severity. The chronic venous disorder starts from the development of venous hypertension from shear stress and reflux, leading to endothelial dysfunction and venous wall dilatation.

illustration of a man that has varicose veins

Symptoms of Chronic Venous Disorder

What Causes Chronic Venous Disorder?

A blood clot in a deep vein in your leg can damage a valve. An inactive lifestyle can cause chronic venous disorder so as sitting or standing for a lengthier period. That raises the pressure in your veins and may weaken the valves. If left untreated, the pressure and swelling will burst the tiny blood vessels in your legs called capillaries. That could turn your skin reddish-brown, especially near the ankles. This can lead to swelling and ulcers.

Diagnosing Chronic Venous Disorder

Kidney Infection
  • A detailed history and physical are required to diagnose chronic venous insufficiency, along with a patient’s presenting symptoms and risk factors.
  • Venous duplex studies or Ultrasound. It detects any abnormal blood flow patterns in the veins in the legs.  Testing usually requires the patient to stand through a portion of the procedure, and certain breathing techniques may be required as well.
  • Venous insufficiency ultrasound. It is the most common imaging method used in diagnosis. It provides the doctor with a visual representation of how your leg’s veins work. If the blood moves in the right direction or if deep vein thrombosis is present, the images will reveal this.
  • There are also various types of venograms, in which contrast is injected into your veins to obtain high-quality images of potential blockages.

Treatment for Chronic Venous Disorder

Your doctor may recommend any number of treatment plans. The main objective in the early stages is to prevent painful swelling and ulcers. Another option may be certain types of medicine that lower your chance of blood clots. Other treatment procedure includes Radiofrequency or laser ablation, foam sclerotherapy, and Microstab phlebectomy.

Veinotonic and Circulation Product for Chronic Venous Disorder

You can use Gingko Plus Capsule and Veinaxyne Food Supplement. These are vein tonic products that improve circulation. You can also incorporate you can eat a healthy diet and exercise. Avoid wearing compression socks, and routinely change positions to improve blood flow.

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