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HPV Infection

HPV Infection

December 30, 2021
HPV Infection

HPV infection or Human papillomavirus is a viral disease that causes skin or mucus membrane growths. Some types of HPV cause warts and others may lead to different types of cancer.

How Common is HPV?

HPV infection that affects genitals is very common as it affects almost 79 million Americans. HPV infection can occur in sexually active individuals and about 80%  of sexually active people are infected with the virus.

Men can also get HPV and genital warts are the typical symptoms in men.  It is difficult to diagnose HPV in men as they may range from few to zero symptoms. Generally, HPV infection does not put a man at risk of health problems.

What are the Symptoms of HPV?

In most cases, the immune system can counterattack the HPV infection before it creates warts. Typical symptoms include:

warts inside body
  1. Genital warts. These are flat lesions or bumps that appear in women’s vulva or men’s penis and scrotum.
  2. Common warts. It appears as rough and raised bumps that occur in the hands and fingers. Common warts are unsightly but can be susceptible to pain and bleeding.
  3. Plantar warts. These are hard and grainy growths on the heels or balls of your feet.
  4. Flat warts. They are slightly raised lesions that appear anywhere. Women tend to get them on the legs.

Seek medical help when you have warts and it causes discomfort and pain.

What Causes HPV Infection?

HPV infection occurs when the virus enters your body through a cut, small tear, and abrasion of the skin. They spread through skin-to-skin contact. Genital HPV spreads through sexual contact and skin-to-skin contact in the genital area. HPV-related warts are contagious.

HPV Infection

What are the Risk Factors of HPV?

  • Sexual contact with multiple partners. Having unprotected sex with multiple partners may increase your risk of getting the infection.
  • Age. Genital warts are typical in young adults and adolescents.
  • Weakened immune system. The immune system is the line-up defense against viruses and other infections. A weakened immune system increases your risk of the disease.
  • Damaged skin. Open and punctured skin are more likely to develop common warts.
  • Direct contact. Not wearing any protective gear when touching someone’s warts may increase your risk of getting an HPV infection.

How to Diagnose HPV Infection?

After assessing your symptoms and medical history, your doctor may recommend:

  • Pap test
  • Colposcopy
  • HPV DNA test

How to Treat HPV Infection?

HPV infection has no cure but they are manageable and preventable. HPV infections go away on their own. Your doctor may also recommend antiviral medications

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